Sunday, February 21, 2016

Free Money

Howdy!  For this assignment, I was supposed to give $5 to busy strangers.  Here is how that went:

  1. Where will you go?
    • I went to my church since I was home for the weekend.
  2. What kind of people will you approach?
    • I approached pretty much anyone since I wasn't particularly nervous to talk to anyone
  3. What will you say to get the conversation started?
    • I just went with the "Excuse me, do you have a moment?" approach.  
  4. What is your plan for the conversation?
    • I chose to just ask people if they wanted a dollar so their initial reaction would be an immediate yes or no.  I didn't feel the need to make it any more descriptive than that, especially since my business pitches would be generally straightforward.
  5. Out of five attempts, how many dollar bills do you think you will be able to give away?
    • I thought I could give away at least 3 dollar bills.  I gave away 4.  How cool am I?

Encounter 1

The video cut out the "excuse me" part, but he was a bit busy selling gift cards.  He took my dollar after I stopped recording.  Totally counts.

Encounter 2

My phone is the worst at taking videos (or I'm just really bad at pressing record), but this girl was collecting money for her class' bake sale.  Of course she accepted my dollar.  She thought it was funny that I was recording her. I didn't get any baked goods (so I guess this project was a failure overall).

Encounter 3

I approached a parent also collecting money for the bake sale.  He accepted my dollar too.

Encounter 4

I walked up to my pastor after church while he was shaking everyone's hands (I waited in line because I really didn't want to interrupt a priest outright).  He also accepted my dollar.  He'll probably put it in this weekends collection.

Encounter 5

The last person I tried to give a dollar to was a man with his baby boy.  He didn't accept the dollar.  Probably because money has a lot of germs on it and he was holding a baby. 


Giving away a dollar was about as easy as I expected it to be.  The most difficult thing giving the location I was in was that everyone was trying to leave to go to breakfast.When I approached people, I didn't really consider reasons why they would say no other than the fact that they were busy.  But all of their reasons for accepting or not accepting the dollar were completely understandable.


  1. Nika,

    I am only able to view two out of the five encounters so I may not be able to view these the way you intended. I like how you were very confident going up to people and asking to give your dollar to them. I would've have liked to see your videos be a little longer so we can see your interactions play out. Approaching complete strangers is intimidating so I applaud you for completing the assignment alone. Did you find this assignment offered any insight?

  2. Nika,
    I think you did an awesome job with this assignment! I definitely feel that i had a little more trouble approaching people and thought i would be able to give away more than I did, but this could have definitely had to do with the differences in our locations. I also agree that it is difficult to come up with a legitimate reason to give someone one dollar and there really aren't too many ways to approach it, but it looks like you did a great job. Here is the link to my free money assignment -

  3. Nika first of all Howdy! Second of all I think you did a great job of giving away money. Throw them bills! I believe you chose a great location for your assignment, a few other places that you might've had an even easier time getting people to take your money could be a college campus, pita pits tip jar, and my wallet! Overall I believe you did a great job but would recommend you get a better recording advice because you clearly had some technical difficulties. Unfortunately I did not do this assignment, something that will haunt me deeply for years to come but if you would like to check out my blog feel free to click on the link here: Its a real page turner :)

  4. I really liked your idea of being straightforward.. Sometimes with things like this that is the best way to approach random people and make your intentions known right away, no fluff. I like that also check out what I did on mine

  5. Great job with this assignment Nika. I think the place you chose to do this at was very well thought out and makes a lot of sense. I like how you were straightforward with them as well, and didn't beat around the bush. I think it gets the message/effect of the free money and the reactions to the free money better understood. Keep up the good work!

  6. I think it's really great that you went to your church, and arguably 3 out of the 4 dollars you gave out will go to a better cause. It takes a lot of courage to go up to people. Even if it's people you know, it's still intimidating to do something out of the ordinary (unless you give away free money all the time.) It makes sense that the dad with the baby wouldn't want the dollar if it was germ infested, or maybe he thought it would be a catch for something else. I've been expecting to see a blog with someone writing that the people they gave the dollar to were wary of a deeper scheme, but I haven't seen it yet. Check out my blog
