Sunday, February 21, 2016

Week 7 Reading Reflection

Howdy! Here is the Week 7 Reading Reflection:

  1. What was the biggest surprise for you in the reading? In other words, what did you read that stood out the most as different from your expectations? 
    • I didn't find anything particularly surprising, but I thought that the development of segmentation in businesses was interesting (early 60s and forward).  It makes perfect sense as to why it happened, but I never really thought about that change. 
  2. Identify at least one part of the reading that was confusing to you.
    • There were no parts that were confusing to me.
  3. If you were able to ask two questions to the author, what would you ask? Why?
    • Which is the most effective type of segmentation (advertising vs new products)?
      • I would ask this because both of these can work together (advertising FOR new products), but if one were more effective overall, I would want to use that one predominantly.
    • In your opinion, which is more important: the issues of the business or the consumers concerns?
      • I would ask this because in the event of conflicting solutions, one would have to choose which to solve first (if both cannot be resolved at the same time).
  4. Was there anything you think the author was wrong about? Where do you disagree with what she or he said? How?
    • There was nothing that I thought the author was wrong about.  

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