Sunday, March 13, 2016

My Secret Sauce

Howdy! For this assignment, I will be talking about how wonderful and unique I am!

Five Ways I think I am Unique

  1. I am very determined to complete whatever task at hand.  I don't like quitting (not specific to me, but I know that I can be more stubborn than most).
  2. I do my best to put others needs before my own.
  3. I try to make everyone smile even if it's at my own expense.
  4. I'm somewhat quick-witted.
  5. I do my best to put forth 100% effort (super hard sometimes though).
From Others' Perspective

Interview 1 - Niamh

Summary: Niamh says that I always give 110% and that I would give my life for the people I care about. 

Interview 2 - Allison

Summary: Allison says that I'm unique because I've only had girl scout cookies once (two years ago.  Barely remember the experience).  

Interview 3 - Veronica

Summary: Veronica thinks I'm funny and punny (true lol).

Interview 4 - Logan

Summary: Logan says I care about the people around me even if I don't know them.  He also says I'm dedicated to both Doritos and whatever I set my mind to.

Interview 5 - Anna

Summary: Anna says I worry about others regardless of my situation.  


Based on the interviews with my dearest friends, they all seem to think that I'm incredibly generous and selfless regardless of the cost or situation.  Compared to my list, they think more highly of me than I do.  I think general self esteem causes the differences between the two views.  I'd like to think that what my interviewees said is true.  I certainly do my best to live up to that standard.  I wouldn't change my list all that much because I still think of myself the same way I did before.  

1 comment:

  1. Nika,
    I think you really put a lot of effort into this project which helps me out. Also, it's interesting how you chose seemingly all friends, while I chose all family members. For me, my family knows me best, but it's interesting to see the difference. Just like me, the people you interviewed had similar thoughts about what you thought of yourself. I never thought about it but it is cool to see how high people think of you even when you might not see it yourself.
    You can check out my post here:
