Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Idea Napkin No. 2

Howdy! This assignment is my product idea tied together with all of the information I've obtain via interviews and research and such (part 2).

  1. About Me?
    • My name is Nika de Vries and I am good at designing and assembling electronics.  I used to be a part of my high school's robotics team so I have had previous experience with creating a machine that would perform a specific task.  Regarding my business concept, I do not seeing it playing a major role in my life.  However, I think it would be interesting to materialize an idea of mine.
  2. What are you offering to customers?
    • I am offering a product that provides the convenience of not having to get out of bed to turn off an overhead/ceiling light.  The switch would be activated by using an infrared remote, so it could be controlled from a distance. 
  3. Who are you offering it to?
    • Although the product can be used for all ages, I believe that college students and young adults would find the most use from it.  Based on my interviews, the older people living in houses (adults and elderly people) had lamps by their bedside table, whereas college students living in apartments only had access to the overhead light. However, elderly people with trouble walking may also be able to use this product. 
  4. Why do they care?
    • The customers would care because it would expedite their whole going to sleep process and save them a small amount of energy. Personally, I have no other way of turning off my light other than standing up and doing it manually and it has been a terrible inconvenience.  I will sometimes go to sleep without turning off the light, thus expending energy.  Customers would pay for this product to save them energy when it comes to lighting in their homes and to get rid of an inconvenience. 
  5. What are your core competencies?
    • When compared to everyone else, I believe that I would be able to create this and other products effectively because I will do anything to make my own life easier.  

From Napkin No.1: I believe these elements somewhat fit together in that the product does solve a problem. However, there since everyone has different room layouts the product may not apply to everyone.

From Napkin No. 2: Compared to the last napkin and from the feedback I received, I believe that these elements will fit together without any issues. 

Feedback Memo

1. My idea would be very easy to market to all age groups.
2. Aside from saving energy, there are more benefits to this product. 
3. College students would very much enjoy my product as all of the people that commented on my last post seemed to like the idea. 
4. Elderly people will be less likely to trip and fall on the way to turn off their light (bonus safety feature).
5. If there is a cost effective way to create this product, it would probably do well on the market. 

Since no one really said anything was wrong with my idea napkin, I didn't really change too much. 


  1. Nika,

    I think you're one of the first blogs that I've read where the person's skills have aligned with their idea. I think this is a great idea. I was actually just thinking about this yesterday because I was already in bed, was feeling cold from the fan, and didn't want to get up. I know that it promotes laziness, but hello - what doesn't already promote laziness in this world lol. And if you think about it, a TV remote is the same thing because it still has buttons on the TV where you can change the channels. It's just about convenience.

    My product is also about convenience, but instead of it being convenient within the home, it's a delivery service to bring things to you from outside home.

  2. Hey Nika! :) :) :) It's about time someone wants to invent this?? I'm so tired of getting comfortable in my bed after a long day just to get out of bed and turn my light off. It's so frustrating!! Please invent this! It seems like you are already prepared for this as well. It's cool to think of an idea, but to actually have the tools and preparation to do it is the key. #majorkey Bless up Nika!

  3. Hi Nika,
    I really enjoyed your blog post! I do have a struggle at times of turning off the lights at home and my electricty bill being super crazy! I love how you're aiming towards college students. This will definitely be useful for them. I had a friend whose electricity bill was $150! It can be outrageous. My post is also geared towards college students! Here's a link to my blog post!
