Wednesday, March 23, 2016

My Unfair Advantage

Howdy! Here is my "staying power" reasons.


  1. I am very determined to make my life and other peoples lives easier (I'll do anything to fuel my laziness).
    • VRIN: Not very valuable (laziness can sometimes be an issue), not very rare (almost everyone likes to procrastinate sometimes), somewhat inimitable, non-substitutable.
  2. I have a good network of people that I could consult if I need help.
    • VRIN: Very valuable (it's not what you know, it's who you know), rare in that everyone knows different people, inimitable for the same reason it is rare, non-substitutable because it's very difficult to go on business ventures alone.
  3. I possess a lot of knowledge on how electronics work and what I would need to create my product and make it effective.
    • VRIN: Very valuable (kind of the point of my product), not very rare (lots of people can have it), somewhat inimitable (some knowledge is different than others and can be applied in a different way), non-substitutable (see reason why it's valuable).
  4. I give a lot of effort in everything I do.
    • VRIN: Very valuable (effort is important), somewhat rare (not everyone gives a lot of effort), kind of inimitable (not found in everyone, but I suppose everyone has the potential to give effort), non-substitutable.
  5. My product can help a lot of people save energy and reduce falling risks.
    • VRIN: Valuable (safety is important), not very rare (lots of things can hep safety), inimitable, definitely non-substitutable. 
  6. My product has the potential for different designs (all of which I have created already).
    • VRIN: kind of valuable, somewhat rare (they are my ideas, after all), not very inimitable, non-substitutable.
  7. I am very enthusiastic about making life easier for other people.
    • VRIN: valuable (who would buy from someone not enthusiastic about their work?), somewhat rare (not everyone is enthusiastic), inimitable (everyone express enthusiasm in different ways), non-substitutable.
  8. I have had many life experiences involving not wanting to get up to turn off my light/fan.
    • VRIN: somewhat valuable, rare in that some people may not have to get out of bed to turn off their lights (like for lamps), inimitable (not just anyone can know your struggle the way I do), non-substitutable.
  9. I know how and where to get affordable materials for this product. 
    • VRIN: valuable, rare, inimitable, non-substitutable.
  10. I have taken this class and have the business creation experiences from it (even though we weren't technically supposed to make a business in this class).
    • VRIN: SO valuable, INCREDIBLY rare (it's unique to the unique to the University of Florida), very inimitable, somewhat non-substitutable (there could be other entrepreneurship classes out there, but they would more than likely be different).
My top resource is my knowledge of electronics because it is the main reason I would be able to create this product in the first place.  However, I will not be making this product because I do not want to start a business.  Maybe someday.  Just not today.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nika,

    Just as your idea simple a kind of funny so is your resource list; the fact that they match I think is a good sign. You are definitely lucky to have the electronics knowledge as a basis for your product for there are many people out there with what they think are great tech ideas but who lack any knowledge of what’s actually possible and not to achieve with technology. Lazy on and best of luck! One day you might come up with another great idea for us, the lazy people!

    You can check out my post on unfair advantage in the link below:
