Sunday, April 10, 2016

Celebrating Failure

Howdy! Here is my post on failure.
  1. Tell us about a time this past semester that you failed -- whether in this class, or outside of this class. 
    • One time that I failed was earlier this semester.  I registered for a discrete math course. I failed not only the first quiz, but also the first exam.  I had studied for hours and hours before each of them. When I dropped the class I had around a 40%. 
  2. Tell us what you learned from it. 
    • I learned that discrete math is hard and that I am not good at it.  I also learned that knowing information is not the same as comprehending it.
  3. Reflect, in general, on what you think about failure. Failure is hard, isn't it? It's embarrassing, sure, but it also means that we have to change something about ourselves. Talk about how you handle failure (emotionally, behaviorally). Finally, talk about how this class has changed your perspective on failure -- are you more likely to take a risk now than you were four months ago?
    • The way I handle failure has changed a lot from high school to now (my second year of college).  Before I would feel really embarrassed and be upset with myself for extended periods of time.  Now I accept the failure and move on since one can only move forward post-failing. Meaning the real failure would be not trying to better yourself afterward.  Each failure motivates me to try harder next time and I always learn from my mistakes.  This class has changed my perspective on failure in that I know it's okay to fail multiple times.  In terms of risk taking, I feel like I am not more or less likely to take a risk after this course.  I usually consider the consequences and take the risk based upon that.


  1. Hey Nika,
    Failing is definitely hard but like you said, what matters is being able to move on and learn from it. Glad to hear you bounced back, I feel like some things are just not meant for some people. You can put a lot of effort in and still not be satisfied with the results. And I like your choice of gif!
    Check out my post at

  2. Im sure you've heard this before, but it doesnt hurt to hear it again; dont worry! everything is going to work out.
    Like you, I obviously also failed before, and like me, you're going to fail at something again! But its nothing to stress, because it is impossible to have success without any failure at all.
    Check out my post at

  3. Hey Nika,
    Great post, I like your picture, I think it is a good way to think about failure. Oops. That gives you one statement, a couple seconds, to dwell on failing. You are not good at math, say oops and figure out what you are good at. You'll find it. Here is a link to my post
