Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Venture Concept No. 2

Howdy! The following is my second attempt at the venture concept.  Enjoy!



The major need of customers is one that promotes energy saving and also is an affordable convenience.

If the word “environment” is taken literally, the fact that energy is constantly being wasted helps create this opportunity. Generally speaking, however, the fact that the current market has not changed in such a long time also generates potential opportunities.

The market for this product would be those with access to electricity. The product could be sold to people of almost all ages that are able to make conscious purchases for themselves, from young adult to elderly people. All age groups could use the product for its energy saving potential.

Customers are currently satisfying this need through getting up to make sure that every electric object is turned off whenever not in use. Based on the interviews from random customers, they seem to be pretty loyal to this process. Because of this, realistically speaking, this opportunity is moderately sized. This is because although it caters to almost every age group and demographic, it can easily be replaced by something that already exists (other conveniently located and accessible objects) or through people sticking with what they already do. Nonetheless, this “window of opportunity” will be open indefinitely until someone, whether it be a large company or a small business, decides to cater to the need of being a convenience to people while being energy efficient.


My product is a battery-powered, infrared remote-controlled attachment that would adhere to the wall around a light switch. When activated via the remote, the attachment would either press the light switch in the on or off position. The light switch would still be able to be used manually, but with this attachment, one could turn off the light from a distance without having to leave their comfortable position.

This product will make money via selling the attachment for more than it costs to make it. The price would range from $25 to $35, varying by light switch type, the amount purchased, and whether or not batteries are included in the package. As demand increases, the price would definitely drop. The product would be available online via Amazon.


My innovation will solve the aforementioned opportunity by enabling people to remain in their comfortable positions while giving them the potential to save energy with ease. They will buy my innovation purely for those reasons. People love products that make their lives easier. Customers would switch to this new product because not only does it help prolong the users comfort, it also has safety bonuses, especially for older customers. Through the use of the light switch attachment, there is a decreased chance of falling down and injury. However, it would be difficult for consumers to switch from their current methods because they would not have to spend any money to continue to get up and manually turn on and off lights. There are not any major competitors, but the existence of desk lamps and overhead lights that are already remote-controlled may sway consumers from purchasing my product. However, since not everyone has lamps on their bedside table or can afford built in remote-controlled lights, customers would be more inclined to buy my innovation.  This is what would make my product different: the affordability and accessibility.  

Since the product would be distributed through Amazon, the shipping costs would follow their standard (the product would be prime eligible). Business location and packaging would not have any influence on my business concept for this reason too. As any online purchase goes, there would be a review system that would allow the business to address any concerns of any customer (Amazon also supports this) to ensure the best possible customer experience. The price may be a slight deterrent, thus making the growing process somewhat slow until lots of units are purchased. Nonetheless, the product would be affordable.

I would organize the business to have the attachments assembled in a factory by machines to eliminate the possibility of human error. They would then be transported to the Amazon distribution centers. The business would need employees to communicate with consumers online via the business' website, Amazon, and social media outlets. It would also need employees to transport the product from the factory to the distribution centers.


I believe that my most important resource is a tie between the good network I currently possess and my knowledge of electronics. The former because every entrepreneur needs a good network to accomplish anything and the latter because it is the fundamental reason as to why the product would exist in the first place. The unique and genuine designs of the product would make it difficult for other companies to copy.

Once this venture conquers the initial opportunities, I would want to adapt the wall attachment to work with objects other than switches and buttons. As for specific ways I would apply the product, I am not sure yet.

If I were to launch this business, in five years I would want this product to be one of many successful creations that promote convenience and energy saving. However, within a decade of running this business (and hopefully several patents later), I would step down and let someone else within my company run it for me. I would still have partial ownership, but I would not be in control. Although this first venture made me see that I would not want to run my own business for too long, it also would have given me the irreplaceable experience of being an entrepreneur.


The feedback from my initial venture concept post was generally positive!

However, some of the people that commented wanted to know how my product would be different than those already out there. As I described in the last post, my product would be different from others in that it would be more convenient and affordable than having a new light system installed in their house.  Design-wise, it will be unique since there is nothing out there like it that looks similar. 

I did not change my venture concept too much based on the feedback.  I added what I mentioned in the previous paragraph.


  1. Nika, I like this idea. I live with four room mates who could care less about the electricity bill, so I often find myself walking around the house late at night to shut the lights off, and they will sometimes even leave the TV on overnight if I don't go out there and shut it off! No matter how many times I ask them to shut the lights off, they never do. With your product, I could just shut the lights off from the comfort of my bed. I think I would definitely be a user of this product and the price seems fair. Check out my blog post here:

  2. Hey Nika, I could definitely see the use in your product! I love the idea even though it’d make me lazier than I already am (lol). I also love your idea to sell through Amazon. Amazon has sky rocketed in recent years. It’s convenient, fast, relevant, etc. If you have the time, head over to the link below to check out my Venture Concept assignment. Great job!

  3. Howdy Nika, I think this is an interesting idea, I have a few questions though. Do I need a different remote for every lightswitch/device? it seems like they'd all look the same and get really confusing. I'm also wondering how it differs from existing products, but I'm not talking about built in automatic light switches, I'm talking about these, the first one works for anything plugged in, the second you just unscrew your light switch and replace it with that switch.
    I also tried to get specific with pricing, I'm not sure how realistic that is for either of us at this stage, but still fun to do. You should check out my venture

  4. Hey Nika,

    I really loved reading your post on your venture concept. It looks like you have as solid idea and know where you're going with it. You should definitely work on it after this class is over because I see potential. Have a great break.
