Sunday, April 24, 2016

Week 15 Reading Reflection

Howdy! Here is the week 15 reading reflection. Enjoy!
  1. What was the biggest surprise for you in the reading? In other words, what did you read that stood out the most as different from your expectations? 
    • There was nothing I found surprising about the reading.
  2. Identify at least one part of the reading that was confusing to you.
    • Nothing was confusing about the reading.
  3. If you were able to ask two questions to the author, what would you ask? Why?
    • How is entrepreneurship different in India than in the United States? If there were drastic differences, how quickly/not quickly did you adjust to it?
      • It would be interesting to know how culture would affect innovation in business.
    • Are there any business strategy aspects that are unique to your business?
      • In the article, the author mentions how his business strategy was based on American fast-scaling consumer businesses. Their original input would be interesting to compare to these strategies.
  4. Was there anything you think the author was wrong about? Where do you disagree with what she or he said? How?
    • There isn't anything I thought the author was wrong about.

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