Sunday, April 17, 2016

Google Gold

Howdy! Here is the post regarding the Google search engine and my experiences with it in refernece to my product.

  1. A discussion of your general approach and strategy to search engine optimiation (SEO). What were some of the activities you did for each blog post to pursue SEO? 
    • I actually did not try to pursue SEO.  I uploaded each post with the same general tags as required in the assignment.
  2. What were your keywords. How did you select those keywords? Did you change or refine your keywords through the semester?
    • The keywords I used were strictly based upon the ones required for each assignment.
  3. How did you use social media to enhance your SEO efforts? What your your surprises or general impression of using social media to improve your blog's profile? Was social media generally receptive of your blog, or did it get ignored?
    • I didn't use social media to advance my efforts at all.  I was always given the option to share my post to my Google Plus profile, but I did not want any of my schoolwork to be accessed from my social media profiles at all.
  4. What was your most "viral" post? In other words, which post obtained the most traffic? Why do you think?
    • My most "viral" post was the Idea Napkin No. 1 post (22 views and 6 comments).  I think this happened because it was the first time I clarified my business plan idea.  I doubt that keywords had anything to do with it.  Also, the fact that everyone in this course is required to comment on other peoples posts helped with that too.
  5. Finally, did you make it to the first page of Google results for your keywords? If not, what page of results did you make it to?
    • Technically speaking, my blog made it to the first page of the google results from one of the comments I made on another persons blog.  Otherwise, I could not find my blog on the first few result pages.  

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