Sunday, January 17, 2016

Bug List

 Howdy! The following is a list of things that bother me and the reasons why these problems exist.
  1. The crosswalk at the intersection of SW 13th St. and Union Dr. takes too long to change.
    • This "bug" exists either because me timing to get to the light is awful or because the timer on the entire stop/go cycle caters more to vehicles even though the crosswalk has a lot of foot-traffic.
  2. I feel like soap in my bathroom is not as effective when I have to put water in it when the dispenser is almost out of soap.
    • The soap that is not dispensed is collected at the sides, away from the soap pump.
  3. The song queue on my shuffled Spotify playlist always plays songs that I don't particularly want to hear at the moment, even though I like the song in general.  
    • The shuffle function is not able to cater to moods of people.  Spotify itself can create a "Discover" playlist of new music based on the types of songs you listen to the most, but unless you manually skip the songs you don't want to listen to or make a completely new playlist, you can't listen to the songs you want to right away.  How inconvenient.
  4. The light switch in my bedroom is too far away from my bed, meaning I either have to get out of bed to turn it off or never turn it on in the first place.  
    • This problem exists because I don't have any other lights in my room and once I get comfortable in bed, I don't want to move. 
  5. My phone chargers and headphones always end up broken.
    • The materials used to make the cords are not very flexible, leading to their destruction (dun dun DUNNN). I also lose them a lot, to be honest.
  6. Speaking of headphones, whenever I plug them into a desktop (located on top of the desk for whatever reason) or the sound-bar on the monitor, the cord always gets in the way of the keyboard and my typing.
    •  There are no convenient places to plug in the headphones that won't get in the way of something else.
  7. The cardholders that can be placed on the back of cellphones break/become detached if too many cards are put in there.
    • Too much stuff, not enough space.
  8. There is a "bug" in my iPhone that causes none of the notifications to register as being read.  I have to restart my phone every time this happens,
    • This is some error on Apple's part.  I'm sure it will be fixed in the future.
  9. My computer has been trying to force me to update to Windows 10 for the past couple of months.
    • This would stop if I updated my computer, but Windows 10 is a new operating system and has a bigger potential for security issues.
  10. It is too easy to turn off my phone alarm rather than press snooze whenever I have to be up at a particular time.
    • If you unlock your iPhone while the alarm goes off, the alarm will be deactivated rather than snoozed. Beware.
  11. There isn't a place on the UF campus for students to practice piano (or other instruments) unless they are taking a class or are a music major.
    • This is probably an effort to get more students to take these classes or to keep the instruments available for the students that are actually studying music.  However, it's somewhat unfair to those that are interested in learning an instrument, but don't want to change their course of study.
  12. Lint brushes don't always get the lint off of my clothes.  Especially on pants.
    • The adhesive on the brushes aren't that powerful.
  13. On the sidewalk on SW 2nd Ave. on the Social 28 side, the sidewalk is horribly uneven (I've stubbed my toe and tripped too many times).
    • General wear from getting walked all over all the time.  Poor sidewalks. They should stand up for themselves sometime. Could this be how they're doing that? I wonder...
  14. It is too easy to lock myself out of my bedroom in my apartment.
    • I don't always have my keys on me and the lock out process at my apartment complex is $20 too much (aka $20).
  15. My keys are annoying to carry as I don't always carry a purse and they collection of keys themselves are bulky when bunched up in my pocket.
    • Need either bigger pockets or smaller keys. 
  16. The fact that I have to rinse off dishes before putting them in the dishwasher is both a waste of water and a waste of time. 
    • Dishwashers are not powerful enough.  Probably something to do with water pressure.
  17. 3M Command strips don't work all that well on larger items, such as posters on foam boards, even when multiple strips are used.
    • Adhesive could be stronger (although damage to wall paint is another issue).
  18. Chairs pretty much everywhere don't really help with proper and healthy posture and are uncomfortable in general (especially when one has to sit there for a really long time like during lectures).
    • Poor back support and not enough cushioning on the seat.
  19. Laptop batteries don't last that long, both power-wise and usability-wise, and are really expensive to replace.  And if you don't get a properly licensed battery or charger, it can completely ruin your computer.
    • Everything has to expire one day as to create demand for the supply, but batteries could improve overall anyway.
  20. Being super literal with the whole bug thing, but wasps bug me (Haha I'm funny, right everyone?).  They are terrifying, don't do anything for residential areas (unless you have a farm or intense garden as they protect your plants from most pests), and will actively go out of their way to sting anything that moves.  AND even when you spray their nests, they keep coming back! Wasps can't take a hint.
    • They are the worst.  That is all.
This assignment was slightly more difficult than anticipated.  Not a lot of things bug me.  However, once I thought of one thing that bothered me, a decent amount of other problems came up that were somewhat related to the first. A lot of these have pretty simple solutions, but as resources are limited on my end, there doesn't seem to be too much I can do immediately.


  1. Hey Nika! I really enjoyed your bug list and thought you had a diverse set of "bugs". I agree with you about pretty much everything on your list. EVERY light at UF takes too long to switch. Also, your point about the headphones getting in the way of your typing is so true! I'm sure there could be a simple way to fix that though. Anyways, good luck in the rest of the course and I hope you enjoy my list!

  2. Great post Nika. I loved your last post about the wasps, they really serve no purpose except to hurt people. I like the fact that you made your post very relaxed and made it seem like I was listening to a regular person ranting about things that hate them. I also found it pretty difficult to think of things that bothered me but once I started thinking of some, they all started flowing. If you get a chance, go ahead and check out my post as well. I would love to hear feedback!
