Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Top 5 World Problems

Howdy!  In this post, I am ranking the Top 5 of my World Problems list and their solutions.

Problems (from most to least serious):

  1. World Hunger/Thirst
    • One cannot solve the worlds problems if there are people dying from lack of basic needs.
  2. Pollution
    • One cannot solve the worlds problems if there is no livable world. 
  3. Lack of Available Education
    • If people are uneducated on global and local affairs, one cannot expect them to do anything to help solve the problems.
  4. Racism/Intolerance
    • I feel like this kind of goes without saying, but it's a problem that people are killing each other over their race and beliefs...
  5. Overpopulation
    • Overcrowding can cause resources to be expended unnecessarily.
Solutions (from most to least possible):
  1. Overpopulation - Make contraceptives more available to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Find more renewable resources to support our growing population.
    • This the most possible because there are different organizations that provide contraceptives (This is not in reference to abortions.  Separate issue.) already.
  2. Lack of Available Education - Offer better financial aid to those that need it.  Or lower tuition in general. Make extracurricular programs not included in the price of tuition (EXTRAcurricular.  Key word extra. Seriously).
    • Second most possible because there are plenty of businesses/foundations that could provide different scholarship/sponsorship opportunities to aspiring students that need it.  
  3. Pollution - Implement more laws that regulate emissions from vehicles, recycling, etc.
    • Since laws have to go through different divisions of the government, this could take a long time to implement, but it's totally doable. 
  4. World Hunger/Thirst - Donate food/money to people that are less fortunate either locally or farther away to help make these resources more accessible.  Build clean water pumps (see:
    • There are a lot of people without resources to sustain themselves.  It would take a lot of time to help everyone.
  5. Racism/Intolerance - Help people understand that we were all created equally and should be able to coexist. 
    • This is the least possible because people are stubborn and are not quick to give up their ideals regardless of how wrong they are.  


  1. Our lists are very similar! I put pollution first because without our planet we don't have a home. I do think that we have more hope when it comes to ending racism. We have come a long way as a country and we currently have a black president.Great list!

    1. If you want to check out my blog here you go.

  2. Nika,

    I enjoyed reading your list, in matter of fact we share similar views on the worlds problems. Yet our solutions are so different, its amazing to see through different eyes and these blog posts allow me to do so. The would has defiantly been affected by our foot print. The world is so big I don't think we are over populated I think we are not spread out enough. Overall you did a wonderful job on your list keep up the great work.

    Here is my post feel free to comment :)
