Thursday, January 14, 2016

My Entrepreneurship Story

Howdy! For this post I'll be talking about an entrepreneurship story of mine and why I am taking this class.

My entrepreneurship story happened fairly recently.  During the Spring 2015 semester, A group of friends I was approached by Parker Fields, another friend, to help him work on an app.  Without disclosing too many details, we would have work sessions throughout the week to learn how to develop apps for both iPhone and Android products.  We were working on a particular idea that would consolidate several existing apps into one program, making certain features more accessible, especially for students.  Eventually, we were registered as a business Arcium LLC.
Arcium LLC Logo
Working with Parker and my other friends was an interesting experience.  I ultimately ended up leaving the group so I could focus on schoolwork, but I am glad I was involved at all.  Parker and company continues to learn how to create apps.  A Wizard Game is available on the iPhone App Store for free (10/10 would recommend. I spend so much time on this game it's kind of sad).

I enrolled in ENT3003 mostly because it is required for the Innovation Minor.  However, from the first week, it feels like this class is going to be more interesting than I anticipated (as evidenced by how much fun I had recording the Entrepreneur's Mantra).  By the end of this course, I want to be able to figure out effective to the solutions for all of the problems I have.  Although I do not want to start my own business, I know that this skill will be useful in any job setting I may come across.

On that note, thank you for reading and have a wonderful day/night/afternoon/dusk/dawn!


  1. I remember ya'll going back and froth between everyone's dorms in Beaty (sorry about the late comment; laptop problems). Ironic how I'm your peer reviewer, but its awesome how you're still going through will all of this since last year! Really wish you'd gone into more detail about the beginnings of the company though. I would've loved to read about it!

  2. Evening Nika! I am really fascinated with your Entrepreneurial story because one of my best friends has his own freelance business where he develops apps for everyday useful tasks with video game type dynamics. I actually want to dabble into this field some because there is an opportunity to learn a lot about users and how content attracts and effects the users. Something that is always helpful no matter what kind of work you do! If you would like to check out my Story here's my URL!
