Sunday, January 31, 2016

Interviewing Customers No. 1


For this assignment, I had to interview 5 strangers.

Potential opportunity: Improving the whole "getting ready for bed" process. Whether it be making an attachment for the wall to turn off the light from afar or a way to fall asleep faster.

People with this problem: Pretty much anyone that sleeps.  So everyone.

Interview strategy: I mostly approached the interviewee, told them my name and about this project, and asked my questions.

Questions asked: What is your general going to bed process? Are there any pet peeves you have?

Here is the video containing brief interviews with complete strangers. Enjoy!

Reflection: Overall,this process was easy and difficult in different ways.  Although I do not have difficulty talking to people, approaching strangers after being told to not talk to them as I grew up made it slightly challenging.  I did appreciate the people that did talk to me for they were all very nice.


  1. Hi Nika!

    You did a good job interviewing all of those potential customers! My idea was centered on a delivery service that would bring students their groceries at a convenient price. I thought the process was both easy and difficult at the same time. It was harder for me to approach people but I realized that no one was going to bite me. If anything, they would just say no. I loved how you ask these straightforward questions but then added a few suggestions or examples to help these individuals answer the questions better or easier. It showed me that it's okay to further engage the other person if needed.

    Here are my interviews!

  2. Nika,

    I think your concept is really interesting. It'll be interesting to see what you come up with to improve the bedtime process. Your interviews seemed really productive and insightful. Overall, I found each persons different responses interesting. Good luck in the rest of this course and Go Gators! You can check out my post at:
