Sunday, January 24, 2016

Identifying Local Opportunities

Howdy!  In this post, you'll find 5 different local unmet needs. Here they are:
  1. How to Avoid Boredom, Monotony in Retirement - The Orlando Sentinel
    • People transitioning from a full-time job to retirement are having issues staying busy and motivated, whether it be at home or in retirement homes. There are some companies that offer "transition programs" to help with the adjustment, while donating to nonprofit organizations.  There are also many volunteer programs that "offer programs for retiring workers looking to engage with nonprofits." One company (My Next Season) trains executives to be able to effectively help these people start projects and to keep busy.  The head of this company wishes to/is in the process of creating a mobile networking app to develop a more phone-based service.  Potentially, other businesses could solve this issue.
    • PROBLEM(S): Elderly/Retired people are not enjoying their retirement. One of the main organizations wants to expand their service to different markets through mobile phones.
  2. Video-game Realism is Big Business - The Orlando Sentinel
    • The video-game community is beginning to migrate toward highly immersive/virtual reality game play, meaning that they are able to experience the game more first-hand rather than staring at a TV and using a controller. If gamers aren't able to use these devices, they expect the companies that create the games (Bethesda, Bungie, etc.) to implement higher graphics, updated player rosters, and improved game play.
    • PROBLEM(S): While there are major companies like Samsung and Oculus Rift creating VR games and hardware, these are very expensive and not accessible to everyone.  There also aren't that many popular video games that are made for the Oculus Rift (and products of the sort).
  3. Hoverboards with Fake Batteries Seized at Port Miami - The Miami Herald
    • Police confiscated over 200 of the "self-balancing scooters" that contained fake batteries.  The batteries had "LG" labels on them, but they were not actually produced by that company.  Since the batteries are not legitimate, they are at a higher risk for bursting into flames. Since there is no "one hoverboard manufacturer" (although they are mostly produced in China), it is hard to keep track of all of the counterfeit and potentially dangerous products. 
    • PROBLEM(S): Batteries in general aren't very well made and even if they are legitimate, they still have the potential to malfunction (especially Lithium-ion batteries).  Also, if an organization were to create their own hoverboards, they would be able to ensure that they meet certain safety requirements before distribution.
  4. As Veterans Come Home, a New Generation of Caregivers - The Miami Herald
    • The article provides data for the amount of caretakers in the US post-9/11.  The author notes that this is the longest period of war that the country has been in, so the consequences of that are finally beginning to show.  They talk about a veteran in Miami who is no longer able to store short-term memories.  They also mention how the training of the caregivers "directly affects the health and wellness" of the veterans,
    • PROBLEM(S):This isn't exclusive to Miami, but there doesn't seem to be too many reliable resources for veterans to receive help from (especially psychological help).  There also isn't many places for potential caregivers to receive training to help the veterans.
  5. Have Bike, Will Travel -- And Will Suffer - The Orlando Sentinel
    • MetroPlan Orlando, who is in charge of regional transportation, needs to install bike racks in a more accessible place, rather than on the second floor of their office building.  The reporter also said that there were no bike racks or lanes near the Orlando Executive Airport. "The authority has 109 miles of toll road along six expressways but no bike lanes."
    • PROBLEM(S): There are not enough bike racks or bike lanes for people to use in different areas of Orlando.


  1. You did a great job finding different opportunities. Each of these articles seem to have a serious issue and you were able to point them out. It was very interesting to read the virtual reality video games article as I had no clue they were trying to accomplish this and I don't really know how I would feel about that. It is a shame that there is such a struggle to support our veterans. They need to be taken care of more by the American people as they risk their lives to protect us. Great job!

  2. Hi Nika,

    Your post was enjoyable. The retirement story is the same one I used for my post. Many businesses have capitalized on senior boredom, such as The Villages in Summerfield, FL, however this story shows there are opportunities to use the internet to reach out to these people and provide them more meaningful activities. Hover boards have been in the media recently for their faulty batteries bursting into flames. You mention lithium ion batteries can be unsafe and that is very true! Rechargeable lithium ion batteries found in laptop computers, cell phones, and hover boards will burst into flames if they are punctured. Perhaps safer advancements or alternatives to lithium ion will provide consumers with more piece of mind.
    You used the Orlando Sentinel for most of your problems as I did and I enjoyed reading your post. You included all of the information needed to come up with some good ideas. Take care!
    You can read my “Identifying Local Opportunities” post here.

  3. Hi Nika,

    All five articles were very entertaining to read. The most intriguing one, was the video game companies entering virtual reality. Through my own research, it seems like virtual reality is becoming more accessible to everyone and in just a matter of a few years, the cost of hardware will be much less. It is going to be incredible to immerse myself in games such as Madden, Call of Duty and boxing games. As the price drops over time for virtual reality hardware, the technology itself should become even more detailed and life like. The future of gaming and entertainment is only going to get better and better.

