Sunday, January 10, 2016



My name is Nika de Vries and I am from Palm Bay, Florida.  My immediate family consists of my parents, my grandmother, and my younger brother, Otto. They all live in Palm Bay.  Both of my parents are incredibly hardworking. I strive to be able to have the discipline and resolve they have.  My Grandma is unbelievably patient and is very good at crossword puzzles.  Otto is a somewhat typical teenage boy.  He's very much into sports, video games, and combinations of the two (he kicks my butt in FIFA every time).  We've grown closer since I left for college.

I am a second year Computer Science major, but I'm working on switching to Mechanical Engineering (that's a super fun and complicated process, but it'll be worth it when it's over with).  After I get my Bachelors, I also want to go to law school.  As for what I want to do with my life and with the education I'm obtaining, I'm not sure yet.  Right now, I'm mostly studying what interests me and I'm hoping that something that I want to do will appear along the way (either through opportunities made available through UF or through my own decisions).

Over the years, I've traveled to many places.  I've been to Bermuda (I lived there for almost 7 years), England, St. Maarten, Saba, Costa Rica, Jamaica (on a mission trip), and Ireland (on a study abroad trip with the Innovation Academy).  I hope to go to more places.  Number one on my bucket list is Australia.

One of the sunrises in Jamaica
Anyway, I will be posting on this site based on whatever is assigned in this class.  So stay tuned? Maybe? I would if I were you.  I'm pretty cool.

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