Wednesday, January 27, 2016

World's Biggest Problems

Howdy! For this assignment, I am to identify 10 of the worlds biggest problems and what a practical solution would be for them.

Here they are (in no particular order):

  1. World Hunger/Thirst
    • Millions of people around the world do not have access to clean water and food even though it is one of the basic items one needs to survive. This leads to malnutrition and ultimately an early death. 
    • SOLUTION: Donate food/money to people that are less fortunate either locally or farther away (lots of organizations do this already, but more couldn't hurt) to help make these resources more accessible.
  2. Unemployment
    • My knowledge of this only extends to that in the United States.  Although unemployment rates have gone down over the past decade or so, there are still many people that are looking for jobs, but are unable to because there are no jobs available.
    • SOLUTION: Either create more job positions or help educate people to take their ideas and do something with it (whoa entrepreneurship), thus creating more jobs for people on a local scale.
  3. Racism/Intolerance
    • Through a particular type of elitism, some people are under the impression that they are better than others because of the color of their skin or the religion they follow (if any). This leads to hatred and occasionally acts of violence.
    • SOLUTION: Spread love and not hate. Help people understand that we were all created equally and should be able to coexist. 
  4. Terrorism
    • According to the dictionary, the definition of "terrorism" is the "systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion." This means that people will resort to violence as a way to push their agenda (usually political, but it can vary). This has very much to do with number 3 in that some terrorism is based on religious and racial intolerance.
    • SOLUTION: World leaders should promote peace and tolerance rather than enabling hatred.  While it would be ideal for no one to fight at all, it is not a perfect world. Therefore, countries should hope for the best while preparing for the worst (focusing on strengthening their own defenses rather than attacking people elsewhere as civilians are getting killed all them time for doing nothing). 
  5. Overpopulation
    • To put it very simply, we have too many people and not enough space and resources. 
    • SOLUTION: Make contraceptives more available to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Find more renewable resources to support our growing population.
  6. The Economy
    • Everyone's national debt is increasing continuously and national spending isn't slowing down either. 
    • SOLUTION: Although it is not ideal and not everyone would agree with it, raising taxes for those that are able to pay them would probably be good start. Also redirecting some of the funds from unnecessary expenditures would also be a good idea. 
  7. Apathy
    • People do not care about what is going on in the world if it doesn't relate directly to them. Since people aren't caring about the world's issues, they more than likely will do nothing to solve them. 
    • SOLUTION: There really is no tangible solution for this unless more people have a change in heart and start caring or if they are made aware of these issues.  So I suppose making education more affordable for everyone would help (See number 9).
  8. Pollution
    • Whether it be air pollution or littering, pollution is a growing problem. While air pollution destroys the ozone, littering can kill off species
    • SOLUTION: Some places, such as New York City, have implemented different rules to regulate the amount of air pollution emitted. For example, people aren't allowed to leave their cars idle and running for more than a short period of time.  If more places used this rule, air pollution would decrease. 
  9. Lack of Available Education
    • Education is very expensive and not very accessible to those in less fortunate financial situations.  There is almost no reason for school (college especially) to be as expensive as it is.  If education is to stay this expensive, how are we supposed to expect people to obtain knowledge to make a living for themselves? Most jobs (with the exception of most of the food industry) requires at least a high school education.  Higher paying jobs require an actual degree.  You can't get those if you have no money.
    • SOLUTION: Offer better financial aid to those that need it.  Or lower tuition in general.  That would be great. 
  10. Reliance on Antibiotics
    • Bacteria are building tolerances to the medicines that have been discovered already. We rely very heavily on antibiotics as a source of health. Not saying that medicine is a bad thing, but eventually we might not be able to fight bacteria that have built up an immunity.
    • SOLUTION: don't use antibiotics unnecessarily. This solution is very dependent on medical advances.
Unfortunately, none of these problems are issues that can be changed overnight, but hopefully in the future, these will all get solved (or at least be closer to getting solved).


  1. I feel like we share some of the same opinions of problems in the world. I also put pollution and terrorism. These are two issues that are very important to me. I love our country and do not want it to be ruined by our pollution or radicals from other countries. These problems have solutions that I hope are put into effect in the near future.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hello Nika,

    Although our lists didn't completely match, I still agree with pretty much every one you listed. The one that stood out the most to me was the problem of overpopulation. As the population increases in several smaller countries, disease and famine will also increase dramatically. I wouldn't necessarily say we have to prevent more births from happening, we just need to diffuse densely populated regions. I do believe we have plenty of room and resources for more people, just not in small amounts of space.
