Friday, January 22, 2016

Very Short Interview No. 1


This post contains a very short interview with an entrepreneur.  For this assignment, I interviewed Jezrael "J" Flecha.  J is an IT at the University of Florida and my boss.  He has worked for the University for ~10 years.  Recently, he decided that he wanted to create his own company that would assist other people with either their IT, carpentry, or vehicle maintenance needs at an affordable rate.  He is an entrepreneur because he is taking advantage of a need for a service by using skills he has accumulated over the years from both the University of Florida and from his personal hobbies. Here are his answers to the questions:

What does it mean to be an entrepreneur? 
To me, it gives me a sense of freedom. Even with taxes upon taxes upon taxes, I still feel less restricted than when I’m on business with the University. I’ve learned while starting up my own business that I am a victim of my own success. 
What do you think I should learn in an entrepreneurship course? 
The ability to research efficiently and effectively. The saying, “time is money”, is never so real until it affects you directly. Communication is also another great tool to keep in your toolbox. Effective communication is key all throughout business.    

What do you wish you had been taught in school before setting out on your own path as an entrepreneur? 
I didn’t attend college for business prior to being an entrepreneur. If I had to choose, I would say learning a bit more of the law side. One small mistake and all the time, effort, and money can simply just disappear.

During this interview, I learned that people can choose to be entrepreneurs for different reasons. Some people do it for money, while others do it for freedom.  I also didn't think about how important the legal aspect of business could be (which in retrospect, it is very, very important).  I actually will be working with J within his startup as he is looking for people with IT skills (he trained me in all that). At the end of the semester, I will be interviewing him again.

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